Month: April 2023

Summer Perfume Series

Summer is on its way. I can’t wait until I am soaking up the sun poolside with a good book, bees buzzing cheerily around me. These three new fragrances, Herbs, Flowers and Summer evoke the feeling of that summer freedom, idling the hours away… Continue Reading “Summer Perfume Series”

Wellness Workshop 22.4: Recipes

Period Pal Capsules Medicinal Actions: Vitex (Chaste berry)influences dopaminergic transmission. It also regulates prolactin, follicle-stimulating hormone, and luteinizing hormone (LH), which may regulate testosterone levels, as well as levels of other reproductive hormones. Cramp bark is an antispasmodic. It quickly and effectively alleviates uterine muscular… Continue Reading “Wellness Workshop 22.4: Recipes”