Tag: tinctures

Wellness Workshop 22.4: Recipes

Period Pal Capsules Medicinal Actions: Vitex (Chaste berry)influences dopaminergic transmission. It also regulates prolactin, follicle-stimulating hormone, and luteinizing hormone (LH), which may regulate testosterone levels, as well as levels of other reproductive hormones. Cramp bark is an antispasmodic. It quickly and effectively alleviates uterine muscular… Continue Reading “Wellness Workshop 22.4: Recipes”

Sneeze Stopper Allergy Remedy

Allergy season is upon us…it feels like my head is filled with fluff, my eyes are swimming in sand and my lungs coated in pollen grains. I can’t stop coughing or sneezing and my nose is running like a sieve. Today, I went on… Continue Reading “Sneeze Stopper Allergy Remedy”

Lovely Liver Herbal Extract

Spring is upon us and with it comes spring cleaning (I washed my windows yesterday-goodbye little kitty paw prints!), getting the garden ready for spring planting and sorting out all of our clogged systems within the body after the winter’s cold and gray days.… Continue Reading “Lovely Liver Herbal Extract”

Immune Harmony Herbal Extract

An overactive or underactive immune system creates problems within the body. An overactive immune system can present with allergies, acne, eczema and even arthritis. An underactive immune system can cause illnesses and infections; chronic and acute. The goal of any herbal warrior is to… Continue Reading “Immune Harmony Herbal Extract”

Cold First Aid Herbal Extract

During cold and flu season, it’s important to be prepared. This season, my whole family got the flu. It has been years since we have had the flu, and all of us at the same time, that has never happened. Thanks to preparedness and… Continue Reading “Cold First Aid Herbal Extract”

Echinacea Tincture

           Echinacea has been the subject of extensive research for many decades. Lauded for many years as the go to cold and flu prevention plant, comprehensive research has confirmed that “Echinacea raises the body’s natural resistance to infection by stimulating… Continue Reading “Echinacea Tincture”

Headache Relief

The past week or so here in the Czech Republic has seen a large amount of thunderstorms and with them barometric pressure changes and headaches all around. My youngest daughter and I suffer the most with actual migraines, complete with nausea and light sensitivity,… Continue Reading “Headache Relief”

Yarrow Tincture

This tincture can be used effectively to support a fever, in the instance of cold and flu and to put on a wound to prevent or treat infection. It is a great component to an Herbal First Aid Kit. Yarrow Tincture Yarrow stems, leaves… Continue Reading “Yarrow Tincture”