Tag: wounds and infection

Bye Bye Bruise!

Day 1: Walking into the kitchen, I slipped and banged my wrist on the corner of the wall, hitting the bone in such a way that it took my breath away. I am using it as an opportunity to show the power of arnica… Continue Reading “Bye Bye Bruise!”

Antibiotic Syrup

Just days before my eldest daughter was due to fly to Japan to work and create at an artists’ colony, she developed a painful toe infection. This very same day, my husband’s flu took a turn for the worse and he was complaining of… Continue Reading “Antibiotic Syrup”

Thyme Salve

Thyme is used quite often in our household. We use Thyme Cough Syrup to help with coughing, Clear Chest Salve as a chest poultice for a painful, hacking cough or if bronchitis is present, and as an antibacterial ointment for any infection. I drank… Continue Reading “Thyme Salve”

Calendula Healing Salve

I grow tons of Calendula in my garden. Every day during summer, I harvest a basket of Calendula blossoms, dehydrate them and add them to my ever-growing jar of dried Calendula blooms. This jar (it’s huge) will serve all of our Calendula needs for… Continue Reading “Calendula Healing Salve”

Yarrow Tincture

This tincture can be used effectively to support a fever, in the instance of cold and flu and to put on a wound to prevent or treat infection. It is a great component to an Herbal First Aid Kit. Yarrow Tincture Yarrow stems, leaves… Continue Reading “Yarrow Tincture”

On the Spot Infection Care

Herbal salves and poultices often bring relief and healing from infections quickly and naturally. We will talk a lot about different herbal preparations and protocols for dealing with infections. Herbs are a daily part of our lives here in our family. Yesterday, one of… Continue Reading “On the Spot Infection Care”

Fungi Foe Salve

Have you ever had an outbreak of some recurring ailment only to find that you are out of your prescription and it is Friday night with no hope of getting a refill until Monday morning? A few years ago, I had this very thing… Continue Reading “Fungi Foe Salve”