Tag: wellness

Herbal Workshop Menu

Located at Krista’s Herbarium Zbudov 48, Divcice For up to 8 people 2-4 hours in length  Refreshments included To schedule an Herbal Workshop or to discuss a Custom Workshop contact me at 797754275 or email at kristasherbarium@gmail.com Spa Workshop 4 hours/700 Kc  Learn how… Continue Reading “Herbal Workshop Menu”

Wellness Workshop 22.4: Recipes

Period Pal Capsules Medicinal Actions: Vitex (Chaste berry)influences dopaminergic transmission. It also regulates prolactin, follicle-stimulating hormone, and luteinizing hormone (LH), which may regulate testosterone levels, as well as levels of other reproductive hormones. Cramp bark is an antispasmodic. It quickly and effectively alleviates uterine muscular… Continue Reading “Wellness Workshop 22.4: Recipes”

Spring Cleaning: Nettles

Grip the nettle firmly and it will become a stick with which to beat your enemy. Isaac Asimov The new medicines I’m on cause me to puff up like a manatee with water and it’s totally uncomfortable. I was sitting here minding my own… Continue Reading “Spring Cleaning: Nettles”

Perfume 301

Humanity will be saved through the flower. -Huvenol Classification of Aromatherapy: Cosmetic aromatherapy: This therapy utilizes certain essential oils for skin, body, faceand hair cosmetic products. These products are used for theirvarious effects as cleansing, moisturizing, drying and toning. A healthy skin can be… Continue Reading “Perfume 301”

The Art of Scars

I am currently in the hospital. I had a nervous breakdown. After childhood trauma and many years of unending stress and suffering that increased in intensity, I broke…into pieces. I had a powerful vision earlier this week: It was of a precious ming dynasty… Continue Reading “The Art of Scars”

Perfume 201

“Nothing brings to life again a forgotten memory like fragrance.” Christopher Poindexter I gave a small eulogy at my Nana’s memorial service. I talked about a sense memory that has never left me though it is over 40 years old. Whenever I smell freshly… Continue Reading “Perfume 201”


It’s been a long time since I’ve done yoga, maybe fifteen years. I used to really like doing yoga, it suited me and I remember my little girls bending, folding and stretching with me occasionally. I’ve talked before about how I battle with stress… Continue Reading “Yoga”

Nettles To The Rescue

Need an energy boost? Feeling dull due to the change in weather? Now is the perfect time to harvest these gorgeous plants! Stinging Nettles (Urtica dioica) are in their second growth right now. Catch them before their catkin-like flowers start to dangle. I harvest… Continue Reading “Nettles To The Rescue”

Soothing Lip Balms

A friend and client of mine was in attendance at one of my Herbal Workshops. As the workshop was wrapping up, we were discussing what we should do for the next few workshops. One idea that my friend came up with was a beauty… Continue Reading “Soothing Lip Balms”

Detox Tea: Warm and Moist

In my last post about Detox Teas, I talked about a detox tea that has really worked for our family and many of my clients. Given the information about plant energetics and how plants and people should be matched according to compatible or opposite… Continue Reading “Detox Tea: Warm and Moist”