Tag: skin health

New Buddies

Making new friends is so fun! I’m happy to introduce to you two new buddies in Krista’s Herbs Muddy Buddy Range: Pure Buddy Pure Buddies are for those with extremely sensitive skin or allergies who can or shouldn’t use products with fragrances. This Buddy… Continue Reading “New Buddies”

Muddy Buddies

Every time I want to clean my face, here’s how it goes: I squeeze some gel from a plastic bottle and wash my face. Then, I squeeze some face scrub out of a plastic tube and exfoliate my face. After my shower, I take… Continue Reading “Muddy Buddies”

Herbal Deodorant

I am on a challenging quest, and it is two-fold: to replace my current health and beauty products by making them myself with natural, responsibly-sourced plant materials AND to reduce the amount of single-use plastic that comes into my house. My dream would be… Continue Reading “Herbal Deodorant”

Perfume 201

“Nothing brings to life again a forgotten memory like fragrance.” Christopher Poindexter I gave a small eulogy at my Nana’s memorial service. I talked about a sense memory that has never left me though it is over 40 years old. Whenever I smell freshly… Continue Reading “Perfume 201”

A year of soaps: spring

One day, I would love to make soap from scratch. You know, get out the lye, the safety goggles and the industrial gloves and get to work. But I have so many projects going right now that soap making from scratch is on the… Continue Reading “A year of soaps: spring”

Veins Away Salve: The Sequel

Something that I wanted to create for a few of my clients is a salve that helps with varicose veins and spider veins. A tonifying salve that would lessen the appearance of veins, tonify tissues and relieve pain was the goal. This is the… Continue Reading “Veins Away Salve: The Sequel”

Herbal How To: Making a Face Cream

Today I’m making a special order for a client. She requested a face cream with an SPF. I am adapting my Calendula Face Cream to have some sunscreen properties by adding St John’s Wort-infused almond oil. 1. Gather your supplies: infused oils, essential oil,… Continue Reading “Herbal How To: Making a Face Cream”

Veins Away Salve

Varicose veins are caused by the dilation and enlargement of veins (known as haemorrhoids when present in the anus). They are often hereditary (thanks, mum) and can also be caused by stagnation of the blood in the veins, aggravated by too much standing, pressure… Continue Reading “Veins Away Salve”

Herbal How To: Lip Balm

Today we’re making Lavender Lip Balm. The recipe stays consistent for all of the variations. Check out my Soothing Lip Balm post for all of the recipes. 1. Gather supplies (sauce pan, wooden spoon, measuring cup, infused oils, shea butter, beeswax, essential oils, lip… Continue Reading “Herbal How To: Lip Balm”

Herbal Workshop: Spa

My Spa Herbal Workshop was a great success. My fellow Herbal Warriors and I had a great time together making Calendula Face Cream and Chamomile Face Cream.   After arriving at my house, each participant was offered freshly made sun tea and herbal citrus… Continue Reading “Herbal Workshop: Spa”